Thursday, August 23, 2012

Dubya: Mitt, Lemme Endorse You. Romney: Yeah, Well, Um...

You know, Presidential endorsements are funny things.  Candidates clamor over the opportunity, usually.  When especially popular former President stands behind a candidate, that usually carries a good amount of weight  Former President Bill Clinton is coming out with a TV spot that will air in 8 swing states starting next week with a message that basically says hey, vote for Barack, he’s got policies like I did and if he can put them into play, we’ll all be alright.  I’m not saying that this is a true statement or not but what is true is that under Clinton, this country prospered.  Monica Lewinsky and other such scandals aside, under Clinton, we did great.  Most people in the county recognize this sot an endorsement from Clinton is actually helpful to Obama.  President Clinton seems to have undertaken the role of ‘senior stateman’ of sorts.  The commercial gives that weary yet confident look that says, I’ve done this and you’ve liked what I’ve done, now like my guy.

On the Republican side, the only living Presidents that can provide such endorsements all have the last name of Bush.  Even if Romney thought about it, it should have been merely a few second afterthought.  Can you imagine seeing a spot with Dubya saying something like, hey y’all, Romney’s like me, he’ll do the country right by following the same policies I would of, now vote for him.  Given the legacy that George the second carries, I don’t see how that could possible help the Romney campaign in any possible way.  For that reason, you will not see one commercial featuring, reminiscing of, thinking about or even mentioning any of the Bush’s.  Not because the Bush’s don’t support Romney - mostly because Romney doesn’t want to show American’s like he’d be a lot like Bush.

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