Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Senior GOP: Yeah, we Love Romney and He Will SO Win… So, Who’s Running in 2016?

Do I run again?
The official word from the Republican Party is that they are 100%, completely and totally behind their guys Romney and Ryan.  Of course they’ll win – they’ll trounce, they’ll conquer, they’ll win so badly they’ll redefine what it means to win.  Probably.  So, why are veterans of the GOP showing up in places like Iowa and New Hampshire?  Well, officially to support the current ticket but unofficially, they've been trying to keep their names fresh in states that usually vote early in the primary cycle.

Politico reports that Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee and Rick Perry spoke at an event sponsored by Iowa social conservative organization, the Family Leader.  Palin made a surprise appearance at a dinner hosted by Iowa businessman Bruce Rastetter, a major bankroller of Republican causes both in Iowa and nationally.  Rand Paul was found speaking in Iowa to a branch of the Faith and Freedom Coalition.  Ken Cuccinelli has also been seen making the rounds.  Apparently, at least two potential 2016 candidates have already conferred with national advisers about a possible campaign in the event that Romney loses.  Faith and Freedom Coalition President Ralph Reed said that “We have the deepest and strongest bench I have ever seen” citing such GOP rock stars as Scott Walker, Nikki Haley, Paul Ryan, Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie and more.  Ed Rollins, Ronald Reagan’s campaign manager who ran Huckabee’s 2008 race feels that the interest around the GOP bench reflects a simple fact, people don’t think Romney has a great shot, he just hasn’t run a good campaign.

All this begs the questions, who is a serious contender the next time around?  Sadly, Sarah Palin still is – the country will never forgive John McCain for unleashing this menace upon us.  The Tea Party is losing its luster but some quick primary wins as of late have given the movement some breath.  Expect Santorum, Huckabee and Pawlenty to take another bite at the apple and even Rick Perry though I don’t see what the point of him even trying would be.  Paul Ryan I think would be a safe bet if he doesn’t get the Vice Presidency – and of course the perennial candidates like Ron Paul.

I’m not saying that we need to count out Romney-Ryan yet and I don’t think that even the establishment members of the GOP are either – everyone is just hedging their bets.  Eighty days is a long time and good choices or bad, at the end of the day, the only poll that will matter will be on election day.  The GOP cannot ignore the horrific July that the Romney campaign had and the beating that they took in the polls.  The establishment sees stuff like that and obviously has some questions as to whether their guy Mitt can do the job and while most question, some have started the campaign early and quietly.

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